Facebook Added More Security With HTTPs | No More Sniffing In Wi-Fi

Facebook Added More Security With HTTPs | No More Sniffing In Wi-FiHi friends I hope you all are fine, I have posted tons of articles on " How to hack facebook account ". And today I am going to post a news which is still a part of hacking, so I decided to share this article on my blog. Facebook has finally improved it’s security by implementing the HTTP Secure (HTTPS) protocol. HTTPS is a combination of the HTTP and SSL/TLS protocol which provide encrypted communication and secure identification of a web server. HTTPS is often used for transmitting login information, payment information like Credit Cards, bank account info, Email Account, etcThis new feature will keep its users like you a lot safer on the website.This feature was recently been introduced due to the threat being demonstrated by firesheep on how anyone can surf the persons Facebook account just by being in the same Wifi hotspot using firesheep, and this doesn’t even require the password of the user’s facebook account. You must seriously consider enabling this option if you frequently use Facebook from public Internet access points found at airports, schools or restaurants. Without HTTPS,hackers can easily sniff your data if you’re accessing publicWi-fi.The option is on Account Settings page of Facebook.But many applications on Facebook are not yet supported by the HTTPS protocol. So, we have to wait till Facebook implements this feature all-over.You can find this article at official post on the Facebook blog.

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